Category: Business

  • The Best Call Recording Apps for iPhone 2020

    The Best Call Recording Apps for iPhone 2020

    Since the dawn of technology we have moved leaps and bounds in what is available to us on a daily basis. Take phones for example. They have moved from payphones which are still around, to brief case mobile phones to tiny computers that can put a filter on basically everything.    So you no longer…

  • 6 Reasons Why You Should Use Call Recordings with Your Sales Team

    6 Reasons Why You Should Use Call Recordings with Your Sales Team

    If your sales team operates mostly through calling, then you know how important each and every one of those phone calls is to your company’s success. Don’t leave something that holds so much value to chance! Instead, you should record your sales calls to collect data that will prove its worth time and time again.…

  • The Importance of Listening

    The Importance of Listening

    It’s a very common misconception among even experienced professionals that negotiation is essentially a game of bargaining. This could not be farther from the truth. A great resource on how to negotiate better and get the best deal is “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss und Tahl Raz. Chris used to be a chief…