Tag: record outgoing calls

  • How to Record Calls on iPhone with CallTap

    How to Record Calls on iPhone with CallTap

    How to record a call on iPhone? Recording phone calls on iPhone is impossible without an app and they are all unnecessarily complicated, mostly because of restrictions imposed by Apple. CallTap makes it as easy as possible. If you are wondering how to record a call on iPhone using CallTap, well here’s a video that…

  • Journalists: Use a Phone Call Recorder to record conversations on iPhone

    Journalists: Use a Phone Call Recorder to record conversations on iPhone

    Leave No Room for Claims of “Fake News” In recent months, several journalists have come forward to point out inaccuracies in former New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson’s new book. It’s a sad sign of our self-satirizing times that Abramson’s book is about journalism, and the title contains the words “truth” and “facts.” In…